Writing a book is so hard. My book title has changed so many times. I probably won’t have a title until I have it completed. I tend to start, then stop. I mean stop for days, weeks….months. I am so lazy. I have all these plans. All this information I want to get out. I think it’s like my therapy. I feel that it’s a release from what I have been holding on for years. I sometimes start thinking about what to write while I am driving to work. Then I remember, “Shit, I am going to forget all of this when I get to my computer!” Then I get to my computer and I can’t write a thing. I begin to think, “am I sharing too much”, “am I sharing to little”. Do I have the shock factor to keep you all entertained and wanting to even finish my book? Will it be short story? Will it be a thick ass boring book? Should I throw in some fiction? LOL

I just know that I need to get this done. For me. For my sanity. I need to share this with the world and find peace with what I have been through. I want to help people and maybe this can make to some kids out there struggling with the same stuff I went through as a child. I want to let them know that things do get better. There is a way out. I Have Vodka In My Purse – Volume 1 is Coming Soon!